Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Summer of Cotton Candy by Debbie Viguie

Rate: 5 stars
Age:  13 and up

Oh my word!  This is the funniest book I have read in a while!  It's sweet and purely entertaining, I read the whole book with a smile on my face.

The love story took me for a twist, and I was surprised by who she actually ended up with.

Fun read!  There is a tiny bit of kissing, no foul language or content.  I would cheerfully hand this to my daughter and my friends to read!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Soulbound by Bethany Adams

Rate:  2 Stars
Age:  Adult

I am really bummed to only give this book 2 stars.  I was actually really enjoying the story line and the characters, my reasoning for not even finishing the book is purely because it exceeded my limit for F-bombs.  I even went beyond my limit of three because I liked the book, but after reaching 5 I gave up.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Diary of a Teenage Fairy Godmother by Kathleen Baldwin

Rate: 5 Stars
Age: 14 and up

What a fun read!  The love story isn't entirely believable, but hey, this is a fairy tale, right?  I love the characters personalities and how they all come together.  I am very excited for the next book to come out!

The authors writing style is very easy to read and easy to get into.  Her imagination for the fairy world is really neat and she makes you root for good to win.  I would highly recommend this to anyone who loves fairy tales!

Content:  There are a few kisses, and some fighting.  Very clean, I would very much let my own daughters read this.

Sinful Cinderella by Anita Valle

Rate: 3 Stars
Age: 13 and up

This was a refreshing twist to the Cinderella saga, but at the same time this really isn't a pleasant story. 

I've always wondered how someone can always be so good all of the time and this one answers that question a little.  She is pleasantly caustic and the fairy godmother is not your typical image. Neither is the prince for that matter...

My only big complaint is that the book is short.  There are so many places that could have been expounded and added to.  It almost felt rushed in several spots.

There is a few scenes of cruelty and some adult references.  The book is clean as far as swearing and kissing and so forth.  There is a lot of plotting of revenge and turning dark. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Remake by Ilima Todd

Rate: 3 or 4 Stars.  I honestly can't decide.
Age:  16 and up (with a discussion)

This book was not what I was expecting.  Especially considering who the publisher is.  I enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to book two, however, if you are going to let your teenagers read this I would read it first and talk with them about the purposes of being male and of being female.  They sort of hit on it towards the last half, but...

The author hits on what happens with being ignorant of your world and the naivety of being told nothing about gender roles and what happens when they are suddenly thrust upon you.  I think this would be a good read for someone who is struggling with accepting their gender.

Content:  There is a lot of talking about the differences of male and female, a slight explanation of the purpose of sex and some details of female maturation, some graphic depictions of child birth and a bit of kissing.

As you can tell I am on the fence on this book.  The content surprised me only because it comes from an LDS publisher that usually has strict content guidlines.  As far as if I would let my own daughter read this...I think it depends on where she is at in her life when she is starting to become a women.

Fires of Invention by J. Scott Savage

Rate: 4 Stars
Age: 9 and up 

This is book one of Mysteries of Cove.  This book is perfect for young readers who want to dip their feet into post apocalyptic steampunk.  It follows a boy stuck in the confines of a society that decides everything for you and outlaws creativity.

Sometimes it's nice to buck the system and come out on top.  I am excited for book two to come out.

Content: Squeaky clean, again, perfect for late grade school, early middle school readers.  I would absolutely let my children read this!

The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine

Rate: 4 Stars
Age: 16 and up

This is another retelling of Snow White.  True to Redwine's style this was full of action and blood.  There is a lot of magic and fighting and figuring out who your true self really is.

Content:  Bits of kissing.  A lot of fighting and a lot of blood.  I still recommend it.

Stiching Snow by R. C. Lewis

Rate: 4 stars
Age: 14 and up

This is the first retelling of Snow White that I have ever read.  I'll be honest, it took me a minute to figure out that the droids she uses are the equivalent of the seven dwarfs.  Sometimes I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

This is set in a very sci-fi, interplanetary setting with a lot of robotics and computer coding.  I'm not a techie, but it was written well enough that not much went over my head.  The characters are believable enough and the plot is strong.  It was a read that was not what I was expecting and that is a good thing!

Content: Some kissing, cage fighting, blood and 1 scene with a scuzzball that gets stopped before going too far.  A clean enough read,  I would let my daughter read this.

The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

Rate: 3 Stars
Age:  14 and up

I will honestly admit I struggled with this book for a few hundred pages.  The author very cleverly leaves you guessing at what man is playing what role.  I finally got really sucked into the book around the last hundred pages and then it ended.  Abruptly.  Now I need book two!

This takes place in kingdoms of another world where many different languages are spoken.  Some of the languages are spoken but not translated.  It's oddly not confusing though.  Like it or not, you will find yourself rooting for the wrong man at least once.

The background of the characters is fairly shallow, but the love story is sweet.  If you start it, take heart, the beginning is slow, but the last is well done.  I am excited to read book two especially if it takes up right where this one leaves off.

Content:  A few kisses, a few innuendo's and a few swear words.  There is some light gore and fighting.  Overall, a fairly clean read. 

Banana - Zucchini Bread

Banana Zucchini Bread
Wait, What?  A combination of my two favorite breads?  Yeah buddy!  I tried this last fall when I had too few bananas and a few extra zucchinis.  The result was awesome!  It has the denseness of banana bread and the moistness of zucchini bread.  You can't go wrong!
1 1/4 Cups Sugar
1/2 cup Butter, soft
3 Large Eggs
2 Bananas, Mashed 
1 Cup Shredded Zucchini*
1/2 Cup Buttermilk (or 1/2 cup milk with 1/2 tsp vinegar)
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla
2 1/2 Cups Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
Preheat oven to 325.  Combine all the wet ingredients in a mixer, slowly add dry ingredients until combined.  Pour into Two greased 8" Loaf pans and bake for 1 hour to 1 hour 15  minutes.
* Zucchini seeps out liquid when it is shredded and allowed to sit for a few minutes.  Don't drain off the liquid unless it is really soupy.  I use small zucchinis that are only around 1 1/2" in diameter, the seeds are super small and you get more of the good stuff rather than gobs of liquid.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong

Rate: 4 Stars
Age: 15 and up

I finished this book last night and honestly I would have given it only 2 stars, but after thinking about it for a day I changed my mind.

This book isn't my typical genre, I have never really read anything with Native folklore and my only experience with shape shifting is honestly the Twilight series (sad I know...)  There were many plot twists at the very end that I am curious about.  The rest of the book kind of moved slow for me, but still I think curiosity is going to win out.

There is a bit of swearing, and a few make out scenes.  I'm not sure if I would hand this to my child, but I wouldn't stop her if she picked it up.

The Winners Kiss by Marie Rutkoski

Rate: 3 stars
Age range: High School and up

I'll be honest, I am glad that this trilogy is over.  It is entertaining and I am glad that the main characters have reconciled, but it lacked the charisma that book 1 had,

Content: There is a lot of gore and war in this one, and several allusions to sex.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George

4 Stars
Age: 12 and up

Jessica Day George writes extremely well for the young young adult group.  Her books are clean and full of intrigue.  This one fits right into that bill.

I will admit I have never read or honestly cared much about the 12 dancing princesses, so I had no base story to fall back on.

I enjoyed this book enough that I will read the rest of the series.  It was a much different approach to a fairytale than I am used to and because of that I'm not super sure what to say about it... There was a lot of magic and mystery and a plot that wasn't entirely predictable which was nice.  I would recommend this to anyone looking for a fast, interesting read.

Content: Squeaky clean. No foul language of any kind, only one kiss and it is very chaste  I would be perfectly fine letting my tweenagers read this.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Oh Henry Bars

Oh Henry Bars

These are a 4th of July tradition for me; I can't watch fireworks without them!  They are squares of chewy-peanut-buttery-chocolate goodness!


1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Corn Syrup
1 Cup Peanut Butter
4 Cups Rice Krispies (heaping cups)
1 bag Chocolate Chips (I like semi sweet)

Bring sugar, corn syrup, and peanut butter to a boil in a large saucepan.  Stir constantly.  Once it starts to bubble remove from heat and add rice krispies. Mix together, it will be thick.  Pour into a sprayed or parchment lined 9x13 pan and press firmly until even and smooth.  Sprinkle the chocolate chips over the top and let sit for a few minutes until melted and then spread evenly with a spatula.  Let it cool completely and cut into squares.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

Rate: 4 Stars
Age: 8 and up

I have had many people recommend this book to me and I have kept putting it off because it just didn't sound like a book that would be my thing.  It finally took my niece literally shoving the book into my hands for me to read it, and I'll admit, it still took a few weeks for me to actually pick it up.

From a grammatical point of view this book is superbly written! (except for one section where nothing is capitalized and there are no quotations for when people are speaking...)  As far as the plot goes, I am still trying to figure that out.  I understand the point of the book now, but for me it was slow moving and a little confusing how they kept jumping from different perspectives. 

The pinnacle of the book for me was towards the end when the middle school director gives a speech.  I was misty eyed through the whole part, and his speech alone is what brought me up to 4 stars.  The emphasis is on choosing to be kinder than necessary and that is actually a goal that I am working on with myself and my children.  Every night in our family prayers we ask for help in being kinder, we have for years, and because of his speech at the end...this book will now be one that I read to my children here in a few short years to teach them about both acceptance of differences, and for the huge emphasis on kindness.

This book is appropriate for all ages, there is no questionable content or language.  This is a fast read with very short chapters that have just enough humor and intenseness to keep young readers attention.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Chicken and Rice Salad

Chicken and Rice Salad

Growing up, this was one of the only ways to get me to eat rice.  This make ahead salad is cold, creamy, and tangy.  It's hard to stop eating it once you start.  I made a few modifications to this recipe, my grandma's recipe calls for water thank you.  If you choose, you can add a 4oz can, it's up to you.


1 cup Dry White Rice  (Cook according to package directions)
1/4 cup Salad Oil
1T White Vinegar
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper

Combine cooked rice with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.  Refrigerate for a couple of hours.

3 Green Onions thinly sliced
1/2 cup Green, Yellow or Red Bell Pepper, chopped*
1/4 cup Parsley, chopped
1/3 cup + 1T Mayo
1/3 cup + 1T Miracle Whip
1T Lemon Juice
3 Cups Cooked and Cooled, Diced Chicken

Combine all remaining ingredients with the rice mixture. and chill until ready to serve.  This tastes great with fresh garden vegetables like tomato's or cucumbers.

* The recipe calls for Green Peppers, I use Yellow for 2 reasons.  One, I like them better since they are sweeter.  Two, My daughters actually eat them without a fuss.  Use whichever you prefer.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

3 Stars
Age: 17 and up

To sum this book up, it was kind of strange...but yet I liked it.  To me it took the fey world to a different level.

The story is told from several perspectives which I didn't care for, but everything comes together decently.  I don't think I will continue the series though.

Content:  Not much casual swearing, the F-bomb is dropped twice and Christ's name is used in vain once.  There is a lot of talk about and illusions to sex, but nothing graphic.  I'm honestly not sure if I would let my daughter read this one.

Defiance by C. J. Redwine

4 Stars
Age: 16 and up

I enjoyed this book.  It kept me engaged and wanting more.  The heroine is strong, but reckless and the author does well at having the hero keep her somewhat contained but still keeping her in charge.

The plot was full of twists that kept me guessing.  The story is unpredictable and I will most definitely continue the series.

Content:  Not for the week constitution; there was a decent amount of blood and callous gore.  No swearing worth mentioning and only a handful of kisses.

Monday, June 6, 2016

The Trials of Apollo 'The Hidden Oracle' by Rick Riordan

3 Stars
Age: 16 and up with a good moral discussion before and after.

I have mixed feelings about this book.

I thought it captured the same charm that the first Percy Jackson series had which was refreshing because I HATED the Hero's of Olympus books.  My downfall to this one was the constant references to homosexuality and the flat out flirting between Nico and Will.  For me that warranted the loss of 2 stars.

Content:  no kissing, no love scenes, no swearing.  Excessive gay references.  I probably would not let my children read this which is a shame, because it had the potential to be a seriously cute, awesome, fun book.  But I dont feel it was appropriate for the age it is intended.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Tomato Bisque Soup (4 Ingredients and Easy!)

I love Tomato Soup!   This soup is creamy, tomato-y and savory.  Even my picky 6 and 3 year old kids clean their bowls with this!

A few years ago I was introduced to Tomato Bisque while eating lunch at work, and ever since I have been trying find ways to recreate it.  I happened onto a recipe a while ago, but it was complicated and dirtied a bunch of dishes and then you had to blend it in batches to get rid of chunks and took way more time than I wanted to spare.  I created this recipe on a happy accident and it turned out almost identical to the one I have been searching for and only took a fraction of the time!


2 24oz Jars of Mezzetta brand Homemade Marinara Sauce*
8oz Cream (1 small carton heavy whipping cream)
1/4 cup finely shredded Carrot
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
Pepper to taste.  (No salt, the sauce has salt already and the parmesan gives it the savory flavor)

Dump the jars of marinara sauce into a large saucepan.  Add in cream and carrot (I use a tiny cheese grater or a microplane to grate mine). Bring to a simmer until the carrot is soft, stirring often.  Add in parmesan cheese and stir until melted into the soup.  Serve hot and enjoy!

* I have been trying out many different kinds of Spaghetti sauces for two reasons: 1- My husband hates it.  2- I have become very aware of ingredients and what is good and what is honestly unnecessary.  I found this Mezzetta brand and saw that the ingredient list is pure ingredients, there are no preservitives, and no high fructose corn syrup.  Just real ingredients.  I made it into spaghetti and after trying the sauce I thought wow, this would be a good soup just by itself...lightbulb... and here we are.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Selection by Kiera Cass

4 Stars
Age: 15 and up

I've put off reading this book for a long time, I didn't think it sounded all that good.  But like I have mentioned in other posts I have been going through a dry spell with good books.  So when it was suggested to me again I decided to give it a try.

This book was flat out enjoyable!  I love it when the heroine follows her own rules and doesn't care what the 'betters' think.  I found myself grinning in several parts at America's actions.  I will most definitely be reading the rest of the series.

Other than excessive paragraph breaks within quotations I thought the book was well thought out and her writing style is easy to follow.  There is humor and intrigue, people you want to love and people you want to slap.  I would highly recommend this to anyone!

Content: There is less than a handful of light swearing and a few make out scenes.  Overall clean, I would be fine letting my daughter read this.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Carolina Vinegar Based Coleslaw

Carolina Coleslaw (Vinegar Based)

I love a good side salad, and I love the peppery zip of Coleslaw.  I am finding the older I get the more I like the taste of the vinegar based rather than the cream based.  It gives it a little more tang and a lot less calories.  Plus where I am from in the west it's not very common so it's fun to hear people say 'well that's different, I like it.'  Pair it on the side of - or even better, on top of a pulled pork sandwich.


1 bag of Coleslaw.  (I don't shred my own... you can if you want...)
1 TBSP Rice Vinegar
3 TBSP Cider Vinegar
1T +1tsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Pepper
1 tsp Chicken Bullion Granules
1 TBSP Olive Oil

In a large bowl combine everything but the Coleslaw.  Stir for a minute or two until the granules are mostly dissolved.  Add in Coleslaw.  Mix well until evenly coated in dressing.  Cover and refrigerate for a few hours, stirring occasionally. 

I have found that it needs at least 3 hours to sit so the flavors blend together better.  At first taste when fresh, it's honestly not good...It needs the time for the sugar to work.  if you like it sweeter add in more sugar a little at a time and let it sit.  You can prepare this a few hours in advance or even up to the day before, it will retain the crunch.

Wake by Amanda Hocking

4 Stars
Age: 14 and up.
*** I no longer recommend this series for any age ***

This is the first book in a couple of weeks that I actually enjoyed. The fantasy is solid, the characters are mostly believable, and there is an actual plot that's not very predictable. (Can you tell I've been through a dry spell?)

The ending surprised me and also left me wondering what is going to happen, I will be checking out book two when I go to the library next.

I wish there was a better division between perspectives, but all the perspectives were a good thing, it added to the sub-plot which really starts to build in this first book.

There are a few swear words, and some kissing.  There is a touch of graphic descriptions concerning a crime scene.  I would let my teenager read this.

***Edit 5/20/16***

I recently started book 2 "Tidal"

I was disgusted!

Heavy swearing including F- words.  I closed the book halfway through after there was a deal for sex.  I didn't even finish book.  I no longer recommend this series!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Princess Academy: The Forgotten Sisters by Shannon Hale

3 Stars
Age: 10 and up

I've read all of Shannon Hale's books and I have noticed one consistency:  Her book 1 is always fantastic, and her follow up novels aren't.

This one was better than the second book, but still didn't live up to the first.  It had the potential to be really good, but it's the political undertone that ruins it for me.  All in all a good read for a young girl.

A tiny bit of kissing, a bit of fighting, but very clean.  I would let my daughter read the whole series.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Bacon Tomato Cream Cheese Pizza

Bacon Tomato Cream Cheese Pizza

This is one of my favorite summer meals! It looks gourmet on a plate, but it is one of the easiest meals to put together.  It's served cold, and only takes a few minutes to throw together, so it is perfect for the hot summer days, and there is nothing better than the classic combination of bacon and tomatoes!


1 recipe of your favorite pizza crust.*
Garlic Salt
2 Small Tomato's sliced thinly
12 oz Bacon, cooked and crumbled
4-5 Green Onions/Scallions, chopped
8oz Spreadable Plain Cream Cheese
Black Pepper

If your crust is homemade, allow it to cool completely.  Spread the cream cheese evenly over the top of the crust.  Sprinkle with a light layer of garlic salt.  Top with the tomatoes, bacon and green onions.  Sprinkle with black pepper.  I don't use regular salt because I use the garlic salt and I find the bacon is salty enough.  Cut into pieces and enjoy!

* I use the Six Sisters copycat papa johns pizza crust recipe that I cut down to 1/3 of the original size.  I have baked this in my oven and I have also baked it on my grill.  It's my favorite crust!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Winner's Crime (Winner's trilogy book 2) by Marie Rutkoski

3 Stars
Age: High School and up

This book wasn't quite what I was expecting.  If I had book three right in front of me I would read it just to see if there is any resolution, but as it stands, I would have to special order it in from my library, and I'm not sure if its worth the effort.

There is a lot of stratagizing and plot twists to keep things interesting.  If you are someone who likes old fashioned war strategies and the loops of misunderstood love then I would recommend it to you.

There is a touch of graphic gore, no swearing, and despite the fact that she is doing things for love, there is no romance whatsoever.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

3 Ingredient Homemade Oreo Sandwich Cookies

Homemade Oreo Sandwich Cookies

I love cookies, probably a little more than I should.  And these are some of my absolute favorites and they are super easy!


1 box Devils Food Cake Mix (you can substitute with other chocolate mixes too.)
2 Large Eggs
3/4 cup Shortening.

Preheat oven to 350.  In a mixer combine all ingredients and mix until well incorporated.  Scoop out into 1 inch balls onto an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 7-8 minutes.  Let cool on cookie sheet for one minute before transferring to cooling rack.  Let cool completely.  Fill with your favorite frosting* and enjoy!  Makes 36 cookies, or 18 sandwiches.

*I use homemade vanilla buttercream frosting from the Betty Crocker cookbook.  Cream cheese frosting is also wonderful.  Frosting from a can works too, I recommend adding 1/4 cup of powdered sugar to the canned frosting to make it a little bit stiff so it doesn't squeeze out of the sides as easy.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Foil Packet Grilled Meatloaf

Grilled Meatloaf

I love meatloaf, but I detest ketchup.  If you choose to ruin yours with a glaze, be my guest, just omit the seasoning salt.

In the summer I hate heating up my oven, so last year I decided to try something new, I had gotten a new grill for Mothers Day and was all up for experimenting, now I am wondering why I haven't done this for the last...ever!


1 lb Ground Hamburger
1 cup Breadcrumbs (or 3 slices of bread broken in tiny bits)
1 cup Milk
1 Large Egg
1/3 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 tsp Ground Mustard
1/2 tsp Ground Sage
1/4 cup Chopped Onion
1/2 tsp Salt
Pepper to taste
Seasoning Salt (I use Lowry's brand)

In a large bowl mix everything but the seasoning salt together.  Cut 2 large sheets of tinfoil and lay them in opposite directions on top of each other (like a plus sign.  This is both for strength and just in case a hole gets poked).  Dump the meat mixture in the middle and shape into a long loaf shape.  Wrap tightly with seams on top.  Put on pre-heated grill for about 20-25 minutes.  Open foil packet and lightly sprinkle the seasoning salt on top.  Let it rest for five minutes so the juices re-distribute.

Spinach Dip

Spinach Dip
This spinach dip has no artichokes, because artichokes are disgusting...  It's creamy and cheesy and full of flavor, sure to be a crowd pleaser or a late night snack.
8oz Cream Cheese (Neufchatel works just fine too)
6oz Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese
1/8 tsp Garlic Salt
1/8 tsp Black Pepper
1/2 cup Sour Cream
2 cups Spinach (fresh, loosely packed)
Cut spinach into thin strips and rinse well.  Put into a microwave safe bowl with a few tablespoons of water and microwave for forty five seconds to one minute until wilted and it loses half of it's volume. Drain.  In the same bowl add remaining ingredients and mix. Microwave in :30 intervals stirring well until all the cheese is melted and dip is hot.
This can also be made ahead of time in a small crock pot, or even baked to get a crust on top.

Grilled Roasted Red Potatoes

Grilled Roasted Red Potato's 
These potato's are easy and make the perfect side dish to any summer meal.  The two different ways of cooking them turn the insides all creamy with a delicate crust on the outside.
Red Potato's (6-8 medium sized)
2 TBSP Olive Oil
2 TBSP Butter
Quarter the potato's and put in a pan to boil until halfway done.  Meanwhile in a grill safe pan put both the olive oil and the butter.  Pour off water from potato's and put them in with the oil and butter, salt and pepper to liking.  Put pan on the grill and let them bubble over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally until crust is formed and potato's are done.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ruby Red (trilogy) by Kerstin Gier

5 Stars
Age: 15 and up

Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue, Emerald Green

Usually I do a rating for books separately, but this time I'm going to lump them all together.

I love these books!  They are full of intrigue and suspense and mystery, the plot is wonderfully thought out and each book is a page turner.

I love the fact that it centers around secret society's and time travel without pulling in religious themes.  I have a hard time when people write stories that turn religion into fiction, my sense of sacrilege is higher than most.

All three are entertaining, funny, and based on a solid foundation.  I found next to no inconsistency's and the ending was one of complete surprise.  I have read this trilogy several times and each time I try and look for the clues that I missed before. 

Overall a clean read.  There is a love story, a few make out scenes, and a fair bit of fighting.  Only a handful of swear words; I would be fine with my children reading them.

Highly, highly recommend!

Hydrangea and Peony Burlap Wreath with Butterfly's

Sometimes it's nice to step out of the kitchen (although I made this on my kitchen counter...) and pull my nose out of a book and do something crafty.
I don't have true instructions for this, I you-tubed how to do the burlap and then I just found flowers I liked and wired them in.  I thought the butterfly clips gave it a bit of whimsy.  Wreath making is truly an individual thing, there is so much room for creativity, but sometimes it's nice to base a wreath off of someone else's and then make it your own.  Happy Crafting!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole

3 stars
Age: Adult

To tell you thee honest truth, I didn't even finish it.  I first downloaded the sample from Amazon, I'm hesitant on romances.  The beginning started out so sweet and sad!  It probably wasn't a good thing for me to read about someone dying from cancer just two weeks after losing my dad to that battle.

It started out all sweet and innocent and morphed into a little bit of manageable smut.  Then he moves away and things change when he comes back.

Then it turned into a sappy mess!  There was a lot of swearing that felt forced and underage smoking that everyone was oddly OK with, and a ton of kissing, which I knew there would be from the title, and I'm OK with, but there was so much confessing of love, and the chapters were super long.  There was another scene of light smut and that is when I decided I was done.  It has a sweet story line, but it's just not for me.

It's not one I would knowingly let my daughters read.  I'm not OK with a lot of the behaviors it portrayed.

Perfect Potato Salad

Perfect Potato Salad

Prep time: Give yourself an afternoon to get it made, it's not labor intensive, but it does take time for things to cook and then cool.
Cook time: 45-ish minutes

With summer just around the corner, for me that means grilling and eating fresh, cold, potato salad!  I can't have a hamburger without it!  If you like food with a lot of texture and bold flavor, this is the perfect side dish to any picnic, potluck, or summer meal!

*Potato Salad is fraught with food born issues if not handled properly.  Please make sure you keep things refrigerated!*


8-9 medium red potato's
3 hard boiled eggs
Dill Pickles (I use 2 4inch pickles, you can use more or less depending on how chunky you want it.)
2-3 TBSP Pickle Juice
1/3 Cup Chopped Onion
1/2 Cup Mayonnaise
1/2 Cup Miracle Whip
1-2 TBSP Rice Vinegar
1 tsp Salt
Pepper to taste.
Paprika and Chives or Parsley for garnish

Boil red potato's whole until soft (usually around 40 minutes.) drain and set aside to cool to almost room temperature or until cool enough to handle. Meanwhile, boil 3 eggs, cool. 

Slice eggs through the middle, leaving 6-8 slices for garnish (cover and refrigerate these until later) Chop remaining eggs, pickles, and onion add to a bowl.  Add Mayo, MW, 1TBSP Vinegar, 2TBSP Pickle juice, salt and pepper.  Mix well. Add more pickle juice and/or vinegar until it becomes a smooth, thick dressing consistency.  It will be very salty- if it's not, add more salt.  (My mother says that if you taste it you should dry up and blow away from all the salt -Maybe not quite to that point, but you want a lot of salt because the potato's will balance it out.)  Refrigerate until cold.

Meanwhile, peel the skins off the potato's.  In a medium sized bowl (here comes the fun part!) Squish your potato's....Yes, grab them in your fist and squeeze...Kids love this!  This will give you parts that are mashed and parts that are still chunky.  If it needs to cool a little longer, let it, otherwise add your dressing and mix well.

Add the egg slices on top and sprinkle with paprika and chives. Steal a bite or two while it's fresh, then cover and promptly put it in the fridge so the flavors can blend and it can get cold.

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Iron Butterfly, (trilogy) by Chandra Hahn

Book 1: The Iron Butterfly
4.5 Stars
Age: High School and up

Chanda Hahn is really one of my favorite authors, despite her numerous editing errors.  Her stories are strong enough to overlook some of the wording problems.

Book 1 builds a strong foundation of characters and gives them mostly believable obstacles in a fantasy world.  Her relationships are strong and her character reactions have a touch of selfishness that makes them seem like real people

There is torture and violence, but without it, the story would fall flat.  There is a clean romantic thread and no foul language.

Book 2: The Steel Wolf
4.5 Stars

This one is actually my favorite of the three.  This is the book where Thalia discovers what she can do and figures out where her heart lies, even though she doesn't know it.  The characters are just as strong and the story is full of action.

There is a continuation of violence, but still clean.

Book 3: The Silver Siren
3.5 Stars

This is my second time reading this, and I will say that it was better this time than the first.  My main docking of stars comes from one inconsistency with Kael and the bond they have, he disappears for half the book.  Its redeeming factor is that it wraps up well.

There is war and romance, but nothing I wouldn't let my children read when they are old enough to understand.

All in all, I would recommend this series to anyone, they are fun, entertaining, and clean.  As long as your mind can fill in a few missing words.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Flood Rising (The Water Keepers. Book 4) by Christie Anderson

Three Stars
Age Range: High School and up.

Let me start off by saying that I actually enjoyed the other three books in this saga.  The Idea she has of the Water Keepers is different and fun to read because it is different.  She works a whole other world in wonderfully along with a clean love story to match.

However, I think it should have ended with three.  Book four didn't do it for me, it felt like it was just a place holder.  The whole book I kept thinking it felt more like an explanation rather than a continuation of the story. 

There is a book five that is coming in the future, I'll probably read it, just for the hopes that it turns out better since I loved the first three books.  Her writing style is easy to read, and there are no typo's.  I did feel that there was some redundancies in a few sections, like there was a good idea and it just needed to be said 3 different ways. 

There is some squeaky clean romance and no foul language of any kind.  There is a touch of violence, but nothing I wouldn't let my children read. 


Feijoada (Black Beans and Rice)

Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cooking time: 20 Minutes

This is a mock recipe for Brazilian Beans and Rice, I found a shortcut and it takes a fraction of the time to make and my husband loves it!  This meal is perfect on a stormy day when you need something fast, filling, and with a burst of flavor.  Not to mention it is a budget saver on your grocery list!


1 Pound Steak cut into bite sized pieces
1 Can of Black Beans, undrained, divided.
1 1/2 Cups of Water
1/3 Cup chopped Onion
1/2 Cup Italian Dressing
3/4 Cup Instant Brown Rice
Sour Cream and something green for garnish.

Brown steak and onions in a medium sized sauce pan.  Pour 3/4 can of beans and juice into a blender and puree, adding to the steak.  Add remaining ingredients. Simmer for around 20 minutes or until rice is tender, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.  Top with Sour cream and cilantro or chives.

This feeds my family of two adults and two children perfectly!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Pivot Point by Kasie West

4 stars
Age: High School and up

This was an intriguing read and I enjoy this type of superhuman power-type genre.  Addie comes from a town completely full of people with superhuman mind powers, hers is being able to see both sides of the consequences of a choice, and her choice is to live inside with them or outside with the 'normal' people.

I was a little confused at first when each chapter bounced from one choice to the other, but the further into the book I got, the less confusing it became, and I found that it actually worked really well for the point she was trying to get across. 

The author did a good job with human nature in making people likable or not and the end was kind of a surprise.  There is a bit of romance, but it's harmless.  I have every intention of finishing the series and would recommend to anyone.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Winners Curse by Marie Rutkoski

A tentative 4 stars.
Age range: 15 and up.

I enjoyed this book, the reason behind the tentative four stars is that I always get nervous when there are more books to the series and they leave the ending in the air.  I liked it enough, however, to want to read the next book

This book borders on two sides of a revolution between slaves and owners, but focuses more on the main characters relationships rather than the political side which I liked. The interactions between the main characters were mostly believable and the book was well written.  There was intrigue and more than once I wondered how this was going to end, it wasn't very predictable in a good way.

I don't know if this is a book I would rave about, but I would recommend it to someone looking for a fast read. There is a little bit of romance, but it is clean.  There is some descriptive gore, but not excessive enough for me to worry about, I would let a teenager read it without worrying.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

How to Outrun a Crocodile when your Shoes are Untied. by Jess Keating

Five very enthusiastic stars!
Age range: Middle school and up

Oh. My. Word!  What a delightful read!  I had a smile on my face from page one and kept it all the way to the end.

Full credit to the author who kept the humor while keeping a valid moral to the story.  The poor girl in 7th grade who loses her friend to a cross-world move, not only has to deal with school all by herself, but has to endure humiliation by bullies, family awkwardness, grades, and to top it all off has to live in a zoo.  She gains her confidence and shines in the midst, coming out on top. 

A great read for parents and for those in middle school who might be struggling a bit.  There is a second book (which I will be looking for) but it can stand alone.  Highly, Highly recommend!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Ham and Potato Casserole

This is a super easy Crock Pot recipe that you can expand or shrink depending on the size of the crowd you are feeding.  I usually make mine in a 4 quart crockpot to feed 3 people and have plenty of leftovers to have a full meal again the next day.


12 ounces Ham sliced into small chunks
2-3 Russet Potato's (Peeled or not is up to you) thinly sliced
1/2 lb Carrots (I use baby carrots and put them in without cutting them up)
1 Large Onion (or two small) cut in half and thinly sliced
Cheddar Cheese to taste. (usually a 2 cup bag of pre shredded is just right)
1 can of Cream of Chicken soup
1/2 cup of Milk
Minced Garlic

Cut everything up first. 
Add a touch of oil to the bottom of your crock pot and spread around and up the sides.  Starting with a thin layer of potato's then carrots, onions, small amount of salt, pepper, and garlic, and ending with cheese.  Repeat layering until crock pot is full. Mix the can of cream of chicken soup with the milk and pour over the top.  Top with any remaining cheese and turn the crock pot on low for at least 6 hours. (I've done it up to 9 and had it be just fine.)
I fill my crock pot right up to the lid.  It cooks down quite a bit and smells heavenly!

I hope your family enjoys this as much as mine!

Forbidden by Eve Bunting

I give this book a solid three stars. 
Age rating: Late middle school to high school

This is the first Eve Bunting book I have ever read (gasp).  I know, I know, she has written literally hundreds of books, so I have nothing to compare it to as to her others.

The writing style took me a little bit of time to get used to, and there were a lot of foreign words that I didn't understand.  (That one is my problem, the book takes place in the early 1800's in Scotland...)

Overall, the book was clean.  There was no romance*, swearing or taking of the Lords name in vain.  There is a religious undertone to the book, there is a lot of praying and a lot of it revolves around moral dilemma's and ethics.

*I was under the impression from the book jacket that there was going to be more of a love story.  It's there, it's just not very prominent.

The characters were written ok.  I felt they weren't really the focus of the story, the story itself was the focus, the characters were just a way to bring it to pass.

Overall, it was a decent book, I would recommend if you are into reading about paranormal and ghost stories and have a strong religious sense of right and wrong.