Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Winners Curse by Marie Rutkoski

A tentative 4 stars.
Age range: 15 and up.

I enjoyed this book, the reason behind the tentative four stars is that I always get nervous when there are more books to the series and they leave the ending in the air.  I liked it enough, however, to want to read the next book

This book borders on two sides of a revolution between slaves and owners, but focuses more on the main characters relationships rather than the political side which I liked. The interactions between the main characters were mostly believable and the book was well written.  There was intrigue and more than once I wondered how this was going to end, it wasn't very predictable in a good way.

I don't know if this is a book I would rave about, but I would recommend it to someone looking for a fast read. There is a little bit of romance, but it is clean.  There is some descriptive gore, but not excessive enough for me to worry about, I would let a teenager read it without worrying.

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