Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

Rate: 4 Stars
Age: 8 and up

I have had many people recommend this book to me and I have kept putting it off because it just didn't sound like a book that would be my thing.  It finally took my niece literally shoving the book into my hands for me to read it, and I'll admit, it still took a few weeks for me to actually pick it up.

From a grammatical point of view this book is superbly written! (except for one section where nothing is capitalized and there are no quotations for when people are speaking...)  As far as the plot goes, I am still trying to figure that out.  I understand the point of the book now, but for me it was slow moving and a little confusing how they kept jumping from different perspectives. 

The pinnacle of the book for me was towards the end when the middle school director gives a speech.  I was misty eyed through the whole part, and his speech alone is what brought me up to 4 stars.  The emphasis is on choosing to be kinder than necessary and that is actually a goal that I am working on with myself and my children.  Every night in our family prayers we ask for help in being kinder, we have for years, and because of his speech at the end...this book will now be one that I read to my children here in a few short years to teach them about both acceptance of differences, and for the huge emphasis on kindness.

This book is appropriate for all ages, there is no questionable content or language.  This is a fast read with very short chapters that have just enough humor and intenseness to keep young readers attention.

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