Thursday, October 13, 2016

Sinful Cinderella by Anita Valle

Rate: 3 Stars
Age: 13 and up

This was a refreshing twist to the Cinderella saga, but at the same time this really isn't a pleasant story. 

I've always wondered how someone can always be so good all of the time and this one answers that question a little.  She is pleasantly caustic and the fairy godmother is not your typical image. Neither is the prince for that matter...

My only big complaint is that the book is short.  There are so many places that could have been expounded and added to.  It almost felt rushed in several spots.

There is a few scenes of cruelty and some adult references.  The book is clean as far as swearing and kissing and so forth.  There is a lot of plotting of revenge and turning dark. 

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