Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Pivot Point by Kasie West

4 stars
Age: High School and up

This was an intriguing read and I enjoy this type of superhuman power-type genre.  Addie comes from a town completely full of people with superhuman mind powers, hers is being able to see both sides of the consequences of a choice, and her choice is to live inside with them or outside with the 'normal' people.

I was a little confused at first when each chapter bounced from one choice to the other, but the further into the book I got, the less confusing it became, and I found that it actually worked really well for the point she was trying to get across. 

The author did a good job with human nature in making people likable or not and the end was kind of a surprise.  There is a bit of romance, but it's harmless.  I have every intention of finishing the series and would recommend to anyone.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Winners Curse by Marie Rutkoski

A tentative 4 stars.
Age range: 15 and up.

I enjoyed this book, the reason behind the tentative four stars is that I always get nervous when there are more books to the series and they leave the ending in the air.  I liked it enough, however, to want to read the next book

This book borders on two sides of a revolution between slaves and owners, but focuses more on the main characters relationships rather than the political side which I liked. The interactions between the main characters were mostly believable and the book was well written.  There was intrigue and more than once I wondered how this was going to end, it wasn't very predictable in a good way.

I don't know if this is a book I would rave about, but I would recommend it to someone looking for a fast read. There is a little bit of romance, but it is clean.  There is some descriptive gore, but not excessive enough for me to worry about, I would let a teenager read it without worrying.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

How to Outrun a Crocodile when your Shoes are Untied. by Jess Keating

Five very enthusiastic stars!
Age range: Middle school and up

Oh. My. Word!  What a delightful read!  I had a smile on my face from page one and kept it all the way to the end.

Full credit to the author who kept the humor while keeping a valid moral to the story.  The poor girl in 7th grade who loses her friend to a cross-world move, not only has to deal with school all by herself, but has to endure humiliation by bullies, family awkwardness, grades, and to top it all off has to live in a zoo.  She gains her confidence and shines in the midst, coming out on top. 

A great read for parents and for those in middle school who might be struggling a bit.  There is a second book (which I will be looking for) but it can stand alone.  Highly, Highly recommend!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Ham and Potato Casserole

This is a super easy Crock Pot recipe that you can expand or shrink depending on the size of the crowd you are feeding.  I usually make mine in a 4 quart crockpot to feed 3 people and have plenty of leftovers to have a full meal again the next day.


12 ounces Ham sliced into small chunks
2-3 Russet Potato's (Peeled or not is up to you) thinly sliced
1/2 lb Carrots (I use baby carrots and put them in without cutting them up)
1 Large Onion (or two small) cut in half and thinly sliced
Cheddar Cheese to taste. (usually a 2 cup bag of pre shredded is just right)
1 can of Cream of Chicken soup
1/2 cup of Milk
Minced Garlic

Cut everything up first. 
Add a touch of oil to the bottom of your crock pot and spread around and up the sides.  Starting with a thin layer of potato's then carrots, onions, small amount of salt, pepper, and garlic, and ending with cheese.  Repeat layering until crock pot is full. Mix the can of cream of chicken soup with the milk and pour over the top.  Top with any remaining cheese and turn the crock pot on low for at least 6 hours. (I've done it up to 9 and had it be just fine.)
I fill my crock pot right up to the lid.  It cooks down quite a bit and smells heavenly!

I hope your family enjoys this as much as mine!

Forbidden by Eve Bunting

I give this book a solid three stars. 
Age rating: Late middle school to high school

This is the first Eve Bunting book I have ever read (gasp).  I know, I know, she has written literally hundreds of books, so I have nothing to compare it to as to her others.

The writing style took me a little bit of time to get used to, and there were a lot of foreign words that I didn't understand.  (That one is my problem, the book takes place in the early 1800's in Scotland...)

Overall, the book was clean.  There was no romance*, swearing or taking of the Lords name in vain.  There is a religious undertone to the book, there is a lot of praying and a lot of it revolves around moral dilemma's and ethics.

*I was under the impression from the book jacket that there was going to be more of a love story.  It's there, it's just not very prominent.

The characters were written ok.  I felt they weren't really the focus of the story, the story itself was the focus, the characters were just a way to bring it to pass.

Overall, it was a decent book, I would recommend if you are into reading about paranormal and ghost stories and have a strong religious sense of right and wrong.