Sunday, March 5, 2017

Heist Society by Ally Carter

4 Stars
Age: 14 and up

This was like a backwards who-dun-it.  A heist told from the thief's point of view.  Slightly predictable, but full of surprises at the same time.

Ally created a team of honest art thieves if you can call it that.  You know as you read it it could never happen, but it was a thoroughly entertaining book anyway.  I will be continuing the series.

Content:  very little language.  One nondescript kiss.  There are a few death threats.  Very clean read, I would recommend this to anyone!

Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

3 Stars
Age: 15 and up

The first thing I did when I finished this book was say "hmm".   I think my biggest mistake was reading this right after re-reading Divergent and so I was comparing writing styles.  Let me say this: there are no similarities between these books.

Once you get past the sometimes confusing sentence structure you find a wild science fiction plot line.  I heard others say it was confusing, but I found the lack of colorful description was nice, it let my own imagination take over.

Content:  there are a few kisses, and a few scenes of helping the other bath, but it was not inappropriate.  I would let my teenager read this.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Summer of Cotton Candy by Debbie Viguie

Rate: 5 stars
Age:  13 and up

Oh my word!  This is the funniest book I have read in a while!  It's sweet and purely entertaining, I read the whole book with a smile on my face.

The love story took me for a twist, and I was surprised by who she actually ended up with.

Fun read!  There is a tiny bit of kissing, no foul language or content.  I would cheerfully hand this to my daughter and my friends to read!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Soulbound by Bethany Adams

Rate:  2 Stars
Age:  Adult

I am really bummed to only give this book 2 stars.  I was actually really enjoying the story line and the characters, my reasoning for not even finishing the book is purely because it exceeded my limit for F-bombs.  I even went beyond my limit of three because I liked the book, but after reaching 5 I gave up.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Diary of a Teenage Fairy Godmother by Kathleen Baldwin

Rate: 5 Stars
Age: 14 and up

What a fun read!  The love story isn't entirely believable, but hey, this is a fairy tale, right?  I love the characters personalities and how they all come together.  I am very excited for the next book to come out!

The authors writing style is very easy to read and easy to get into.  Her imagination for the fairy world is really neat and she makes you root for good to win.  I would highly recommend this to anyone who loves fairy tales!

Content:  There are a few kisses, and some fighting.  Very clean, I would very much let my own daughters read this.

Sinful Cinderella by Anita Valle

Rate: 3 Stars
Age: 13 and up

This was a refreshing twist to the Cinderella saga, but at the same time this really isn't a pleasant story. 

I've always wondered how someone can always be so good all of the time and this one answers that question a little.  She is pleasantly caustic and the fairy godmother is not your typical image. Neither is the prince for that matter...

My only big complaint is that the book is short.  There are so many places that could have been expounded and added to.  It almost felt rushed in several spots.

There is a few scenes of cruelty and some adult references.  The book is clean as far as swearing and kissing and so forth.  There is a lot of plotting of revenge and turning dark. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Remake by Ilima Todd

Rate: 3 or 4 Stars.  I honestly can't decide.
Age:  16 and up (with a discussion)

This book was not what I was expecting.  Especially considering who the publisher is.  I enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to book two, however, if you are going to let your teenagers read this I would read it first and talk with them about the purposes of being male and of being female.  They sort of hit on it towards the last half, but...

The author hits on what happens with being ignorant of your world and the naivety of being told nothing about gender roles and what happens when they are suddenly thrust upon you.  I think this would be a good read for someone who is struggling with accepting their gender.

Content:  There is a lot of talking about the differences of male and female, a slight explanation of the purpose of sex and some details of female maturation, some graphic depictions of child birth and a bit of kissing.

As you can tell I am on the fence on this book.  The content surprised me only because it comes from an LDS publisher that usually has strict content guidlines.  As far as if I would let my own daughter read this...I think it depends on where she is at in her life when she is starting to become a women.